The opportunity of teaching standard ten English was a testimony to the leadership’s faith and confidence in me as I was only 23 years of age. I was privileged to have great English teachers working alongside me. I was under the tutelage of Dolores Carr (Belelie) who supported me wholeheartedly. I also received lots of support from other members in the department including Mr Geoff Jacobs, the highly efficient viceprincipal. Teaching the Bard’s Macbeth was a lesson in itself and a warning to all of us of the dangers of ambition. Reading for enjoyment is an important aspect of teaching but it is very difficult not to heed the warnings of the messages contained in the tragedies of the greatest playwright.

We had now participated in the B section of the WPSSSU Athletics code for the third year in a row and had achieved a creditable third place in 1989. The organization of school sport by the august WPSSSU for masses of poor children was the best in the world. School officials fully endorsed SACOS (South African Council On Sport), the umbrella body and its dictum of “No normal sport in an abnormal society.” Mr Wayne Alexander our Physical Education master was a very loyal delegate to senior schools meetings. It must be remembered here that Mr Roland Palm, the great mathematician, was a former president of WPSSSU.